How to Slay PMS Like a Pro

How to Slay PMS Like a Pro


PMS has never gotten a good wrap.

I know several women who suffer from an occasional episode of PMS but among these women, the level of intensity varies, as well as the ways in which they cope throughout.  “Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to physical and emotional symptoms that occur in the one to two weeks before a woman’s period.  Symptoms often vary between women and resolve around the start of bleeding. Common symptoms include acne, tender breasts, bloating, feeling tired, irritability, and mood changes.” (  For some women (including me), the body will carry excess water weight causing severe bloating and swelling.  Not to mention, during this phase, a woman’s cup size can significantly increase (also me).  Weeks before menstruation, a woman may suffer from moderate to severe mood swings as well as changes in her emotional health.
For me personally, making small changes towards a healthier lifestyle have been monumental in curing occasional pain and my emotional state, during that time.  Whether your monthly mayhem (PMS symptoms) is occasional or regulatory, here’s a sneak peek of tips and tricks that have helped me get through it like a champ.
Disclaimer:  I am not a medical physician or doctor, and am not providing medical advice in this post.  The tips provided here are from my own personal experience and are not guaranteed to work for the reader. 




Apply essentials oils to your body (stomach, abdominal, temples) after a warm shower/bath.





Exercise:  engaging in physical activity regulate the body’s digestion (aiding stomach pain) and improves moods and improve depression.





Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and sweets (say what!!!).  Clean Eating: eat small, frequent meals that include foods like salmon, leafy greens, dark chocolate, yogurt, bananas, water and more.  Drink lots of water to continuously flush toxins from the body. 





Manage stress level: exercise, mediation, yoga, reading, getting a massage or other simple acts of self-care like avoiding negativity, saying no, sleeping or getting more rest.





Here’s to happier and healthier PMS days.  Stay tuned for more …


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Love and light,

Photos:  Darden Creative

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