Now More Than Ever

Now More Than Ever


Hello Faith Love Life & Style Fam!

One month ago, my local church family and I embarked on a social media detox and fasting for the month of March.  Just at the two-year anniversary of my blog, I decided to remove social media from my day(s) and continue to publish blog posts throughout the fast.  No stranger to this practice, I was excited about making this commitment for spiritual and personal development.  However, I decided to challenge myself and add blogging to my covenant.  “Fasting is an opportunity for Christians to practice the fruit of self-discipline, by abstaining from personal pleasure and fixing their entire attention on God.  Although many people will choose to abstain from food during their fast, food is not the only means of fasting. Believers can choose to abstain from anything that can potentially serve as a distraction in their pursuit of seeking God.” (Alfred Street Baptist).

What I didn’t know was what lied ahead in the coming weeks.

Flash forward.  I’m back online and I have to admit that stepping “away” was the best thing that I could’ve done.  I absolutely had no idea just how necessary disconnecting from social media would be.  The breaking news on the coronavirus (COVID-19) spiraling within the U.S., the news tags from friends, the influx of messages (including one friend’s threat to confirm my well-being lol), the group chats, and more.  It can be a lot.  Don’t get me wrong.  I am very grateful for my social media community and this digital platform.  Nevertheless, sometimes you have to disconnect.  In fact, wasn’t I just writing about preserving your peace, mental health and self-care in January?

It’s like one week, I’m leaving brunch with my sorority sister and travel planning for my niece’s graduation.  Then weeks later, I’m out stocking up on groceries in preparation for a lock down, and insistently checking up on family, close friends and love ones.  Additionally, the weekly public health updates (I refuse to tune in daily) continued to create more concern.  One week, I found myself beginning to feel overwhelmed and I had to talk/pray myself out of it.  I worked out, knocked out some creative projects, called a trusted source of enlightenment, meal prepped and laughed at television over home cooked meals.  Moreover, in these moments, I reminded myself that God is still in control and that this too shall pass.  2020 has truly been one for the books (four months in), but I believe in my heart that it will get better.

Now more than ever,  I am devotedly present (at a distance of course), reaffirming the love, savoring memories, and praying relentlessly.  Now more than ever.  If this isn’t a wake-up call to take nothing for granted, I don’t know what is.  I’m claiming peace and restoration for us all.  Keep your loved ones close, work to live healthy, welcome positive thoughts into your mind and be safe out there luvs!  Some much-needed distraction and more inspiration is coming your way soon.

P.S. If you haven’t already, join me over on Instagram @faithlovelifeandstyle and follow my instastory for a quick March recap of how I’ve been spending my time.  Here’s a brief, little sneak peek…
















A dose of style and inspiration for living!™

Love and light,



Copyright © 2020.  Faith, Love, Life & Style.  All Rights Reserved.

2 thoughts on “Now More Than Ever”

    • Thank you so much Heather! Prayer, positive thoughts and our sisterhood have had a tremendous influence on me. Thank you as well for inspiring me to stay active daily!

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